[PSF-Community] New PSF Stickers - We need your help!

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Thu Aug 23 03:54:12 EDT 2018

On 08/17/2018 10:56 AM, Betsy Waliszewski wrote:
> Hi Pythonistas!
> The PSF would love your input on sticker designs. We have a new 
> hex-shape sticker [attach pic] and would love to get 5 more designs so 
> that people can collect all 6.

I don't have any specific suggestion, but my general suggestion is that 
the stickers all form together to make a larger design, a la the British 
"coin shield".

British currency has seven coins: the 1£ coin, which has a shield on the 
back, and six coins of smaller denomination which each show a bit of the 
shield.  You can form the six smaller coins together to form a 
nearly-complete shield, as if they were windows onto a large-ish shield!


Since the coins are round they don't fit together particularly well.  So 
the coin designer went with that and spaced them out a little.  We don't 
have that problem--the hexagonal stickers will fit together superbly.  
So the hexagonal stickers should each have something interesting in 
their own right, but also show part of a larger structure that's 
revealed when you get all seven and arrange them properly.


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