[PSF-Community] Join the PSF Marketing Working Group

Betsy Waliszewski betsy at python.org
Wed Nov 2 17:21:32 EDT 2016

Hi all,

The PSF is looking for community members to join the marketing working

Our goal is to build a complete marketing strategy around Python, which
includes marketing material, but also things like how we approach the
press, which events we engage with to promote Python and/or the PSF, and
how we can enable Python user groups and conferences to help with the PSF
mission to promote and further the use of Python.

If you're interested in joining this working group or perhaps chairing or
co-chairing it, please respond to me offline at: betsy at python.org. I can
give you more information about the group at that time.



Betsy Waliszewski
Python Software Foundation
Event Coordinator / Administrator
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