[PSF-Community] board candidates: tell me about transparency

Carol Willing willingc at willingconsulting.com
Sun May 29 09:37:40 EDT 2016

On 28 May 2016, at 7:15, Carl Karsten wrote:

> All of the people nominated for the PSF board are good people who will 
> do
> good things.  If things were running smooth, I wouldn't really care 
> who
> gets elected.
> But once again, we see people asking questions due to lack of 
> transparency.
> So once again, I ask:  What will you do about it?

I think others raise good points and Diana has very accurately reflected 
the current PSF board operations and communications.

Personally, I would advocate for actions that continue to increase the 
level of transparency:

- publishing an annual calendar of board meetings at the beginning of 
each term
- releasing board meeting agendas to the community prior to the board 
meetings by posting the meeting agenda on the website ideally 72 hours 
before a scheduled meeting
- drafting a meeting agenda that defaults to information being public 
but also allows for an executive session portion of the agenda for items 
where confidentiality is important i.e. anonymity requested by a donor, 
personnel discussions, etc.
- listening and responding to community questions in a timely, 
thoughtful, and respectful manner

We could consider new ways to gain feedback from the community about 
specific areas that the community would like to see greater 
transparency. Perhaps offering a mid-term survey of community 
satisfaction on a number of topics including transparency to get a 
representative sense of “How are we doing as a board?”. A link could 
be posted at the bottom of agendas where community members can easily 
email the entire board thoughts about agenda items.



Carol Willing
Research Software Engineer, Project Jupyter @ Cal Poly
Director, Python Software Foundation

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