[PSF-Community] Reporting Code of Conduct violations

Steve Holden steve at holdenweb.com
Thu May 5 13:35:54 EDT 2016

The thing that originally swung it for PyCon was grabbing a chunk of
sponsor money and allocating it specifically to increase women's attendance
at the conference. Word got out, and women started to realise their
attendance was actively sought. S

Steve Holden

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 6:31 PM, Chris Calloway <cbc at unc.edu> wrote:

> On 5/4/16 4:12 PM, Don Sheu wrote:
>> I'm in the process of instituting guidelines for handling Code of
>> Conduct reports with my group in Seattle, PuPPy. First step is
>> recruiting a diverse committee. Unfortunately, currently our organizing
>> team is overwhelmingly male. Last thing I want is for a Code of Conduct
>> procedure where a member who's not white or male is facing a process run
>> entirely by white males.
> Don,
> The hardest part of diversity is attempting to diversify an already
> non-diverse group. I searched for a long time for how to do this. Finally,
> after watching the Code: Debugging the Gender Gap documentary, I got a
> clue, applied it, and it worked. The secret is pro-action. You must go out
> and specifically and specially invite people individually, and invite them
> not just to participate, but to lead. I did this for the PyData Carolinas
> conference coming up this fall and it worked so well that the majority of
> people on our board of organizers are female and twenty percent are
> non-white:
> http://pydata.org/carolinas2016/about/organizers/
> I went to PyLadies and other groups and asked for their help. They
> responded with several highly qualified Python data scientists. I didn't
> just ask for volunteers. I approached them each individually, told them
> each why their qualifications are needed, and invited them to come take the
> reigns of various conference committees. You can get diversity. You just
> have to work at it and not wait for it to come to you. You must reach out
> and reach out specifically to individuals, recruiting each with an offer of
> leadership.
> --
> Sincerely,
> Chris Calloway, Applications Analyst
> UNC Renaissance Computing Institute
> 100 Europa Drive, Suite 540, Chapel Hill, NC 27517
> (919) 599-3530
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