[portland] Lightning Talks Tomorrow at New Relic

Joe Lewis robotbill at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 14:55:07 EST 2017

Hi Everyone,

Presentation night is this Thursday, February 21st at 6:30pm at New Relic.

This month we'll be hosting lightning talks. A lightning talk is a short
talk (5ish minutes long) about anything python related. If you're working
on something cool, fell in love with a library, or just want to share your
passion for load testing, come prepared to give a lightning talk. If you've
never given one before, don't worry we have a guide! https://github.com/

Giving a lightning talk is completely optional, but we'd love to hear about
what you're working on.

We'll have Pizza thanks to Simple.

RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/events/235874150/

Are you working on something cool and want to share it with your peers? Did
you recently discovered a great new Library and think everyone should know
about it? Fill out our form http://bit.ly/portland-python-proposals so that
we can schedule you!

If you're interested in sponsoring pizza for a future Presentation Night
contact me, either directly or via Meetup.

I hope to see you all there!
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