[portland] blogosphere tailspin... great Urban Airship meetup!

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 15:18:33 EDT 2016

Greetings Pythonistas!

What I'm appending at the end just looked like an interesting opportunity,
and since we share infrastructure with Meetup anyway... why not?


I wanted to circle a couple paragraphs in this blogpost, a way of
reintroducing myself and my friend Patrick, a neighbor and also co-worker
at the recently-close code school run by O'Reilly.  Patrick and I anchored
the Python Track, authored by Steve Holden and still available on-line as a
really substantive curriculum here:


(creative commons, PDF downloads a feature -- just doesn't have quizzes and
projects, which is what Patrick and I, Kelly and others, would coach them

Patrick is hoping to share his "Python versus Python" talk, which I've seen
at the Linus Pauling House (across from Third Eye on Hawthorne) and thought
was excellent.

Since moving on from O'Reilly, he's all about actually trapping physical
pythons, the snakes, in the Florida Everglades, using the scipy stack.  He
has a patent pending on a tubular design, photo-recognition module in the

Oh the irony, where is the xkcd comic?

http://worldgame.blogspot.com/2016/03/twists-and-turns.html  (pictures).

Neither Patrick nor I are snake haters in any way; his family has a pet
python (so does mine).  The situation is Florida is unfortunate.  The line
of research he's pursuing could have applications in many domains,
especially this part involving computer vision.

There should be a way of clicking through on those slides in my blog post
(if your client shows them in the first place) to the underlying
Photostream which has a few more pix from the talk, all downloadable.
Another feature of interest may be the survey of the Powell's
Python-related inventory, a good window into the State of Python in our

For future reference anyway, feel free to bookmark etc.

[ I've also got some old Pycons in there (as Albums), past user groups and
even a bar camp or two.

I hope to get some pix at the upcoming Pycon of course (yes I registered,
but didn't propose to give a talk as I don't want to miss anything by doing
mine -- maybe next year?). ]

BTW, I really love that colorful multi-monitor Windyty [tm] vector field
display in the lobby, you can tell I've not been to the Vestas building in

That went well with the GIS flavor of the talk, same ideas (vectored flows,
grid overlays).

I hope to make the next couple Python Circus things at 2626 SW Corbett,
distinct from the User Group, this coming Monday @ <guild />.

Full disclosure: I used to show up on their team page but went off in the
latest re-shuffle.  I may go on again down the road.
https://flic.kr/p/E15V2R  (in my PDX Code Guild Album).

Of late I've been encouraging code schools in Vietnam to experiment with
the MEAN stack why not?  There's an interest in just sticking with one
language, newly possible given JavaScript's migration to the server.  I've
circled mean.io etc.

More on edu-sig (a Python.org listserv I co-own).

Of course I couldn't presume to be the main mentor for a boot camp with
such a JavaScript-only stack.  I'm more about Python on the back end, but
that's just me (and some other people :-D).

We welcome diversity as the more robust JavaScript becomes, the easier
become our jobs more generally (where JavaScript is a dependency).

I like the idea of cross-training in at least two stacks and keep sampling
Clojure as another fun one.

Wouldn't it be cool if as a part of a Computer Science degree at PSU one
could elect to do one semester in Vietnam attending a code school intensive
in JavaScript.  It'd still be in English and students there would come
here, a reciprocal agreement, nothing new in academia.  You'd knock out
some other requirements in International Studies or whatever, presuming
additional courses were available in your destination academy.

In lieu of a five minute lightning talk, here's my 7-minute Youtube,
delivered asynchronously, very recently uploaded, featuring Jupyter
Notebooks with Pi Day a theme:


See you soon, at Pycon maybe if not before!

Kirby Urner

(Hawthorne District, Patrick too!)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aaron Wykoff <infrastructureguru at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 10:54 AM
Subject: [Portland-Technology-Careers-N-Beers] Take Over This Meetup?
To: Portland-Technology-Careers-N-Beers-announce at meetup.com

I recently moved back to LA from Portland, and am looking for someone to
take over ownership of this Meetup, Portland Technology Careers N' Beers.
There are over 1,000 members.  I'd like to see it survive and thrive.  If
you're interested, let me know - just message me through meetup.com.

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