[portland] PEP 8 Line Length Compliance

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Thu May 21 17:24:48 CEST 2015

On Thu, 21 May 2015, Luciano Ramalho wrote:

> You can escape the newline and the end of a line by typing "\" as the
> last character, but I think this is ugly and error prone and I avoid
> it whenever I can -- which is almost always.


   Thanks. That's what I commonly use, but haven't applied to python.

> - Whenever you open a parenthesis, brace or bracket, every newline is
> considered as plain space by the parser. Very often, adding parenthesis
> around an expression does not change it's meaning, so that's one way to
> make one logical line span multiple physical lines without resorting to
> "\".

   This is how it works with long wxPython widget strings. I did not make the
connection to enclosing characters.

> - Two or more string literals with no intervening tokens except
> whitespace are parsed as a single string literal.

   Unless the string is delineated with single quotes (as in a content list
for a drop-down picklist control). :-)

   I'm used to seeing (and writing) newlines in bash scripts and other text
so now I know python recognizes it I can use this solution.

Much appreciated,


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