[portland] Open Call for PDX Python Organizers

Stephen McCray mcbracket at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 07:35:14 CEST 2015

Hi Everybody!

Want to help keep making Portland an awesome place to be a Pythonista?
Want to help organize the second-nicest (according to Joe) user group in
the area?  Well you're in luck! PDX Python is having an open organizers
meeting in order to recruit new people who want to improve our user group
and help with the day-to-day jobs of organizing hack nights, talk nights,
and other fun projects.

The meeting is September 3rd at Rentrak's downtown location.  Details are
available on the Meetup page at:

The meeting space is somewhat limited so please only RSVP if you're fairly
sure you will attend.  If you're interested in helping organize but aren't
able to attend please feel free to contact us through the Meetup page so we
can keep you in the loop.

Hope to see you there!
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