[portland] New group forming: Code for Portland

Michelle Rowley michelle at pdxpython.org
Tue Feb 25 05:53:20 CET 2014

Hey PDX Pythonistas,

Here's an announcement about a cool new Meetup one of our members (Mele
Sax-Barnett) is helping to organize. Please share far and wide, and RSVP
for the first meeting on Sunday, March 2nd!

There's an awesome group forming in Portland that seeks to bring
together programmers and government for public good, and they could
use your help:

Interested in building the next generation of civic hackers and
innovators here in Portland? We're just getting started!

Code for Portland is a Code for America brigade that will have regular
meetups and other events to help bring together creative problem
solvers with local community groups and government. Let's build a
better Portland together!

"Use the power of technology to make our community a better place with
Code for Portland"

What: Code for Portland's 1st Meetup to talk about the types of
projects and areas of public service you're interested in working on.
When: Sunday, March 2, 2014 from 1-5pm
Where: Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ) 920 SW 3rd Ave #400


More info: http://calagator.org/events/1250465691
Even more info: http://codeforamerica.org/about/brigade/
All programming languages are needed! Please share.

All levels of technical ability are encouraged to attend. Your
technical and non-technical skills are all needed in navigating the
waters of this collaborative effort.

Michelle Rowley
Organizer, Portland Python User Group <http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/>
Executive Director, Code Scouts <http://www.codescouts.org/>
Founder + Chief Culture Strategist, Cultivate & Co.<http://cultivateand.co/>
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