[portland] Presentation night recap, reminders and a new resource to check out

Michelle Rowley michelle at pdxpython.org
Wed Sep 11 08:38:52 CEST 2013

Hey all,

Thanks again to Miguel and Justin for two excellent talks tonight.

Here are the Flask resources Miguel mentioned:
Flask posts on his blog (including a tutorial!):
Sample code from his talk: https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/Flask-Intro

Justin gave a great overview of the Page Object

Have a talk to share? Let an organizer
know<pdx-python-organizers at googlegroups.com>.
Your community would love to hear from you!

*** Reminders ***
Hack Night this month will NOT be at Urban
Airship<http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/events/131882272/>as their
venue is already booked. We will most likely be at CrowdCompass on
the east side joining forces with Ruby Hack+Help. We will confirm next week
and send another email, as well as updating the Meetup

Django PDX is happening this Thursday at New

6th annual Summer Coders' Social is this

*New Resource*
For anyone who works out of PDX coffee shops, check out Darren Buckner's
new site WorkFrom.co which collects information about work-friendly venues
around Portland.

If you have feedback, Darren would love to hear from
you<darren at darrenbuckner.com>.
His two top questions for site improvement feedback are:

   1. Does workfrom.co satifsy any pain points for you; and if so, which
   2. Is there information you'd like to see included that is not currently
   included for each location?

See ya next time,

Michelle Rowley
Organizer, Portland Python User Group <http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/>
Executive Director, Code Scouts <http://www.codescouts.org/>
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