[portland] Open Source Bridge is next week!

Jason Champion jchampion at zetacentauri.com
Fri Jun 14 22:07:45 CEST 2013

I'm signed up to go, but I have to ask:

Are there any parts of the conference that will be of particular interest
to the Python crowd?  I noticed a lot of talks that focused on Ruby or
JavaScript, but nothing particularly focused on Our Favorite Language (TM),
but I may have missed something.

Jason Champion
CTO, StatYourself.com

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Michelle Rowley <michelle at pdxpython.org>wrote:

> Hey Pythonistas,
> Below is a message I'm sharing from Audrey Eschright about Open Source
> Bridge, including the user group discount code you can use to sign up!
> -----
> Dear Portland groups,
> As you may know, Open Source Bridge, our homegrown open source community
> conference, is happening next week (June 18-21) at the Eliot Center. This
> is our fifth annual event, and we want you to help us celebrate 5 awesome
> years of open source citizenship in Portland. I'd like to remind you of a
> number of ways user group members can participate in the event.
> 1) Register to attend the conference using the user group discount code:
> enter OSBUGLUV at http://osbridge.eventbrite.com
> 2) Volunteer at the conference. We have a number of open positions to fill.
> You can volunteer for as little as an hour or two, but signing up for at
> least 8 hours grants you a free pass to the entire event. Find out how to
> sign up at http://opensourcebridge.org/wiki/2013/How_to_Sign-Up and plan
> to
> attend a volunteer orientation on Monday.
> 3) If you can't come to the whole conference but you still want to
> celebrate with us, buy a ticket to the party, Thursday night at OMSI:
> http://opensourcebridge.org/blog/2013/06/celebrate-open-source-citizenship-at-omsi/
> 4) Register for a pay-what-you-can Community Pass, and attend evening BoFs,
> Hacker Lounge activities, and the Friday unconference. There's still space
> to schedule your own BoF or Hacker Lounge activity as well (email me and
> I'll set you up).
> 5) Tell other people about these things. Spread the love.
> Thank you, and see you next week,
> Audrey
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Jason Champion
Software Architect
Zeta Centauri
jchampion at zetacentauri.com
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