[portland] Job Board/Postings

Thomas Hamlin thomas at metaphorlab.com
Wed Aug 21 07:04:31 CEST 2013

I no longer respond to job offers if they do not come with pizza or beer.  Preferably both.  :o

But seriously.  I'm never offended when someone posts jobs here, and we've done so for my employer (cloudboltsoftware.com).  There are other channels that likely work better, though.  

Small projects are definitely tough to staff up and I think developing a long-term relationship with a small shop/collaborative might be the best approach because they'll have other work to fill gaps and be able to more easily shuffle dev time around to meet tight timelines.  That can be a real win-win.  But you'll still have to buy them pizza and beer from time to time to fend off others vying for their skills.

Enjoy the summer everyone!

On Aug 20, 2013, at 7:37 PM, Michael Schurter wrote:

> Hi Pythoneers!
> I was chatting with a friend at a design agency who was really frustrated
> with how hard it was to find a Django contractor in Portland (hopefully
> more details on that opportunity coming soon).
> It's not a permanent position, so buying pizza for the meetup just to get a
> contractor seems a little excessive. Is our mailing list the only other
> option? Do people find job postings to this list helpful (either an
> employer or employee)?
> Also, I'd love to see http://pdxpython.org get some love (perhaps from some
> kind webdevs at a monthly hack night?). The Meetup page is pretty inviting
> for people wishing to attend meetups, but the wiki is pretty frightening
> for people curious about the Portland Python community in general -
> especially since it's had a big red warning at the top since January!
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