[portland] Vancouver (BC) Polyglot Software Conference - May 24-26 2013

Michelle Rowley michelle at pdxpython.org
Mon Apr 29 22:57:14 CEST 2013

Hey Pythonistas,

There's a polyglot language conference coming up in Vancouver next month,
and they've passed on a discount code for us here in Portland. Details


The Vancouver Polyglot Software Conference <http://polyglotconf.com/> is a
"non-denominational" software development un-conference event that
encourages software developers from different stacks, background and with
different opinions to come together for one day of spontaneous sharing,
teaching and learning. Preceded by a day engaging tutorials and followed by
a "just for fun of it" hack day.
Friday, May 24th, 2013: Tutorials
Saturday, May 25th, 2013: Unconference
Sunday, May 26th, 2013: Open Hack Day (details to come)

In order to engage surrounding communities, they're offering 25% off the
ticket price (which is already super reasonable at $50 CAD) to us here in
Portland. It's a pretty good excuse to head up to Vancouver and share ideas
with programmers of all languages.

The discount code to use is: *POLYPDXCODER*
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