[portland] Speaker for July 10th meeting - intermediate or advanced topic

Case Van Horsen casevh at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 08:21:24 CEST 2012

On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Michelle Rowley
<michelle at pdxpython.org> wrote:
> Hey Pythonistas!
> The next presentation meeting is coming up on July 10th. Smarsh (http://www.smarsh.com) is sponsoring (yay!) and so far we have one topic on the schedule, a beginner-oriented presentation by Wraithan.
> I'd like to balance out the meeting with an intermediate or advanced topic. Who has an idea for a presentation for July?
Hi Michelle,

I haven't written this yet, but how about a C extension that creates 3
objects: Largest, Smallest, and Undefined. Largest would compare
larger than any other object. Smallest would compare smaller than any
other object. Undefined raises an exception for any comparison.

I could make it an example for a C extension tutorial.

> Thanks,
> Michelle
> PS - If you're looking for a new Python gig, check out Smarsh's job posting: http://bit.ly/smarsh-job!
> ---
> Michelle Rowley
> @pythonchelle
> http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython
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