[portland] This Friday night, 8/31, 7:00pm: hacking for good at PIE

Michelle Rowley michelle at pdxpython.org
Wed Aug 29 19:19:36 CEST 2012

Hey all,

I'm putting together a coup for newbie Django developers at the MusicFestNW
Music Hack Day a week from Saturday (http://calagator.org/events/1250462748).
What I'd like to put together is a very simple Django app that uses a
couple music-related APIs. Using the app, I will give lessons about how the
internet works, what an API is, what a web framework is, etc. I have some
ideas for different small projects...

What I really need is some help hacking this up. Won't you come over to PIE
this Friday evening and lend a hand? There is beer! I was going to get some
pizza, but as it turns out I can't afford pizza. So there will be beer, and
I'll get some chips and stuff.

Let me know if you're interested/available. Thank you!
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