[portland] PyCon Talk submission brainstorming

Michelle Rowley michelle at pdxpython.org
Sat Oct 1 07:08:45 CEST 2011

Hey Pythonistas,

The second PyCon talk brainstorming session is set for 3pm this Saturday (that's tomorrow) at Produce Row (2nd and SE Oak). Come on by, have a beverage, and help brainstorm even if you don't want to submit a talk for PyCon! 

Happy hour starts at 4pm. Did you know their Frito Pie thingy is made with pork chili? It totally is, and it is a happy hour discounted item ($5). Tasty.

See you there!

P.S. Talk submissions are due October 12th!

On Sep 20, 2011, at 10:34 AM, Michelle Rowley wrote:

> Hey Pythoneers!
> At last week's meeting there was some talk about getting together to brainstorm submissions for PyCon 2012 talks and/or tutorials. It would be amazing if we had some Portland representation at PyCon this year! The deadline for talk submission this year is October 12th - that's 3 weeks from tomorrow.
> If anyone is up for it, I think we should start brainstorming this weekend, and maybe we can get one or two more brainstorming/pep-talk sessions in before the deadline. Remember, you don't have to have a completely formed talk in order to submit, you just need an idea that you can flesh out by March if that idea gets accepted.
> It would also be great if anyone who has submitted and/or given talks at conferences before could join us and help us through the process. I've submitted to a conference once as a co-speaker, but it wasn't accepted, so the submitting (with Selena Deckelmann holding my hand the whole way ;)) is as much as I know about the process.
> I've created a survey to keep track of how many Python people are feeling up to submitting a talk, and who can meet when: http://goo.gl/q7fWI. Feel free to ignore the stationery on that survey... someday I will change it from my old Emma testing one. ;) 
> Michelle
> P.S. We can also discuss how we might all get down there… *cough*gigantic decorated van*cough*?? Just sayin'.
> ---
> Michelle Rowley
> @pythonchelle
> michelle at pdxpython.org
> http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython

Michelle Rowley
michelle at pdxpython.org

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