[portland] Freelancer's Workshop

Peat Bakke peat at i26r.com
Tue May 24 02:00:55 CEST 2011

Hello Pythonistas,

This isn't strictly Python oriented, but I've received a fair amount of interest from Python lovers, so I figured it would be worth posting to this list. Please let me know if there is a more appropriate venue for announcements like this!

A couple of months ago I put together a workshop for freelance software developers. It sold out, and I got great feedback ... so I'm putting on another!

The workshop is focused on helping freelance developers find more opportunities, write better proposals, improve client relationships, and dispel the FUD of going out on one's own. I'll be sticking around late into the evening to work with people one-on-one, and food and drinks will be provided (including free beer). I'm also working on rounding up another set of steep discounts on services for freelancers (last time we had over $300 in coupons and services).

The workshop is a full Saturday afternoon in downtown Portland, on July 2nd. Early bird tickets are $125 if you reserve before June 1st, and jump up to $175 afterwards -- and if you're not happy with the workshop, I'll refund 100% of your ticket price.

Interested? Head over to http://i26r.com/workshop to register and to learn more about what we're doing.


Peat Bakke

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