[portland] Reformatting Data Files

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Sat Jan 29 01:07:22 CET 2011

Rich Shepard wrote:
>   Yes, this is correct. Instead of the organization above, I want each row
> to be a complete record of location, date, parameter and value. Somewhat
> analogous to transposing rows and columns in the spreadsheet, but that's 
> not
> a solution.
>   In the re-written file, there will be one row for each unique set of
> location, date, parameter, and value. For this file, there are 2 locations,
> 22 dates, and 32 parameters (each with 1 value for that parameter on that
> date at that location) or 1408 distinct rows.


Here's an attempt -- not sure how general it will be, but hopefully it 
will help.

====== input =============
'Depth to Water':76.75:77.51:82.15:73.17:72.66:

------ output ------------
::JCM-10B:2004-08-16:Depth to Water:76.75::
::JCM-10B:2005-06-07:Depth to Water:77.51::
::JCM-10B::Depth to Water:82.15::
::JCM-20B:2006-06-12:Depth to Water:73.17::
::JCM-20B::Depth to Water:72.66::
::JCM-20B:2009-12-09:Depth to Water:::

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#!/usr/bin/env python
This file converts the exported wq excel files to
have each row contain the location, date, parameter,
and value.

import csv

reader = csv.reader(open("10b20b.txt","rb"),
output = csv.writer(open("out.txt","wb"),

# records are in columnar, not row, format

# read in all data into format
# [fieldname, [value1, value2, value3, ..., valueN]]
all_data = list()
for row in reader:
     row = list(row)
     # keep fieldname separate from values
     all_data.append((row[0], row[1:]))

# if fieldname is empty, assume header row
# once a fieldname/value row is found, stop
# looking for anymore header rows
header_rows = list()
for i, fieldname_row in enumerate(all_data):
     fieldname, row = fieldname_row
     if not fieldname:
# assume all remaining rows are the fields and values
# i will be the index of the first row with a fieldname
first_field_row = i

# assemble headers
for j, _ in enumerate(header_rows[0]):
     headers = list()
     for row in header_rows:
     # now step through field:value rows
     for fieldname, row in all_data[first_field_row:]:
         output.writerow([None, None]
                         + headers
                         + [fieldname, row[j], None, None])

Hope this helps!


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