[portland] Links to PyCon 2010 sessions, and functools.wraps example

michelle rowley michelle at pdxpython.org
Wed Mar 10 08:42:33 CET 2010

Here are the links to the sessions I talked about from PyCon 2010:

http://us.pycon.org/2010/conference/schedule/event/4/ (Keynote:
Building the Python Community) -- The video for this one doesn't seem
to be linked from the event detail page in the schedule, but I checked
and found it in the episode list on the PyCon blip.tv channel

http://us.pycon.org/2010/conference/schedule/event/77/ (Diversity as a

http://us.pycon.org/2010/conference/schedule/event/108/ (Think
Globally, Hack Locally - Teaching Python in Your Community)

http://us.pycon.org/2010/conference/schedule/event/92/ (Small acts
make great revolutions: crafting Python and Open Source communities in
Rio de Janeiro)

The docs to the functools module are here:
http://docs.python.org/library/functools.html, and I'll attach my
silly example of functools.wraps, for fun.

See you next month!
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