[portland] from the Chicago list...

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 06:21:22 CET 2010

I'm still subscribed to ChiPy from usa.pycon 2009, thought this one
(appended) worth relaying.

Still hanging out on edu-sig, math-thinking-l, math-teach, osbridge and some

I enjoy reading the banter here.

Kirby Urner
psf 09


Hey ChiPy,

As some of you know, I'm much involved in that exciting realm between Python
and the JVM. Here's news on some things I've been working on that might be
of interest you. I'd be happy to speak about any of them in upcoming
meetings, and even happier to enlist your help in these open-source efforts.

*1. Jython - embedded progress; ctypes coming!*

I've mostly been working on getting embedded Jython working properly, and
there's been terrific progress there. An ongoing challenge right now is to
get it playing nicely with other JVM languages, notably JRuby. Everybody
involved (Nicholas Reily and Wayne Meissner) is willing to make it work, and
the future is bright.

In the meantime, you may be happy to know that initial ctypes support has
been merged into Jython trunk. This will make Jython compatible with more
Python libraries.

*2. Jygments - a Java port of Pygments*

I'm sure many of you are familiar with Pygments, a widely-used Python tool
that colors syntax of a many computing languages, and exports to many
formats. I've been working on a Java port/rewrite, lovingly and ridiculously
named Jygments. It's been a good exercise in just how different the
languages are in the real world, despite academic similarities.

In the midst, I've been working with Goerg Brandl, Pygments creator, on a
common interchange format for language lexers. It's essentially an extension
of JSON to allow for Python-style regular expressions -- I call it REJSON.
The format is thus very similar to how Pygments lexers are stored now, but
is more language-agnostic. The goal is to create a repository of lexers that
would work with Pygments, Jygments, and possibly other future ports.

Jygments is still at an early stage, feature incomplete, but already lexes a
few languages well. By the way, it performs much better than Pygments!


*3. SQLAlchemy dialect for H2*

H2 is one of my favorite database servers. It has about the same footprint
and performance characteristics as SQLite, but supports more features and
configurations, offering better scalability. In addition to embedded mode,
it runs as a standalone server, and even in clustered mode. It even contains
a great web admin tool.

I've been working on getting SQLAlchemy to support H2, and my prototype runs
well enough. My primary goal is to support embedded mode, only useful for
Jython/zxJDBC configurations. But, it may be possible to support the
standalone server from other Python implementations.


That's it for now!

Chicago mailing list
Chicago at python.org
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