[portland] FiftyStates Codesprint @ OSBridge

Peter Krenesky peter at osuosl.org
Thu May 14 18:26:59 CEST 2009

Hi Everyone,

The OSU Open Source Lab is organizing a codesprint for the FiftyStates Project to take place the Open Source Bridge conference.

FiftyStates is a project from Sunlight Labs the coding group from the Sunlight Foundation.  FiftyStates is a system that parses
and makes available legislative data from all 50 states.  This is a statelevel version of the OpenCongress.org project that provides details on federal legislation.  

SunlightLabs has been having code sprints around the country and has legislations parsers for over half the states already, but theres still a lot of work to do.  We think this is a great project and hope you'll join us in helping them out.

What : FiftyStates Codesprint @ Open Source Bridge
When :  June 17-19
Where (Hacker Lounge):
      Hilton Portland & Executive Tower
      921 SW Sixth Avenue
      Portland, Oregon

Where (conference):
      Oregon Convention Center

For more info:


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