[portland] python bridge talk questions / advice

mgross markgross at thegnar.org
Thu Mar 12 02:32:38 CET 2009

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 09:15:10AM -0700, Dylan Reinhardt wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 7:34 AM, mgross <markgross at thegnar.org> wrote:
> > (like, does my cheap-oh ISP have a legitimate point regarding its
> > refusal to support Django sites?)
> They may have a point... if their point is to use a better provider.  ;-)
> The main issue with Django is that it virtually requires shell access to be
> useful and it's difficult to host without providing what amounts to full
> shell access anyway.  Many discount hosting providers are reluctant to
> provide shell access, ergo, no Django.
> WebFaction is not only a very Python-friendly shop, but has gone to the
> trouble of setting up SELinux-based hosting.  So you can have free reign,
> but only within the correct context.  It's worth a good look if you're
> interested in doing Django dev in a shared hosting environment.
> For what that's worth...
> > So my question to the list is can folks feed me some workloads I can
> > use in a side project I'm thinking of starting to drill down on the
> > performance and scaling issues with python and Django use for both web
> > applications and python code in general?
> If you have specific bottlenecks *after* you've done the standard
> deployment/caching stuff,  I'd love to hear about them.

I be happy to share, but I was hoping for someone to point out some
for me to use as starting points ;)


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