[portland] It's the End of CubeSpace as We Know It...

Igal Koshevoy igal at pragmaticraft.com
Tue Jun 9 17:19:42 CEST 2009

Dear Pythoneers,

Is there a meeting tonight?* If so, it's our last one at CubeSpace.

I'm very sad to forward along this message, but CubeSpace is shutting
down. They've been the hub of our fledgling tech communities. It's the
place where many of us first met, hung out, and spent many pleasant
hours learning from each other. It's a place that helped incubate many
new friendships, projects and groups.

If you have any job leads for the wonderful, capable and dedicated
CubeSpace owners and staff, please forward them on.

If you have suggestions on where to move the meetings, please
share you ideas.


PS: If meetings aren't announced on the list or published to Calagator,
it's hard to tell.




It is with deep sadness that Eva and I announce that CubeSpace will be
closing its doors on Friday, June 12, 2009. During the past two weeks
of negotiations, we have very much appreciated the support from all of
you. Yet when it came down to it, we realized that even though
business has been up and the outpouring of support from the community
has been so great, we do not have the resources to  keep CubeSpace

For roughly three years, Eva and I have poured ourselves into
CubeSpace. We have poured in all of our financial resources, and have
never taken any salary. We have poured the vast majority of our energy
into CubeSpace. We have poured most of our attention into CubeSpace.
Now, we have no more to put in. We are tired and broke, and it is now
time for us to move on.

We do not consider CubeSpace a failure. Rather, we succeeded in
fostering a meaningful community that supports each other in hard
times and celebrates together in good times. We feel privileged to
have been a part of this community, and look forward to participating
in other ways in the years to come.

Many of you have asked what you can do to help. Eva and I have been
unable to answer, until now. What we need now are jobs. We have
mountains of debt, no assets, and are facing the possibility of
personal bankruptcy.

Another piece of help is not for us, but for the community. We know
that the closing of CubeSpace will have a negative impact on the
community. CubeSpace has served as a central meeting place. It has
served as a clubhouse. It has been a default place to hold community
events. We now need others in the community to step up and offer up
meeting places. Eva and I will continue to contribute our time and
energy to community events, but we will no longer be able to
contribute the space. It may take some creative thinking, but I
believe that as a community we will survive and continue to join
together at events if other members of the corporate community will
step up to offer space to host the many events CubeSpace has been

Finally, please be aware that Eva and I need your emotional support as
we go through this tough period. As I said in the beginning, we are
very tired, emotionally drained and sad. Please do not tell us what we
might have done better. Trust us, we know far too well all the
mistakes we’ve made. Now is not when
we want to rehash them. We welcome your support, your friendship and
your caring. We would love suggestions for our future. But right now,
we aren’t in a good position to be second-guessing past decisions.

Thank you all so much for being a part of our lives these past years,

David and Eva

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