[portland] July Meeting?

Chris McDonald xwraithanx at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 16:45:21 CEST 2009

Not saying for sure, but this is from my logs on IRC:

13:25:02     zvart | Is there a mtg next week?
13:27:23  Wraithan | From what I hear, yes, but I don't know where,
just know that it is a social meeting
13:43:09  jmelesky | last i heard, it was going to be at an
as-yet-undecided close-in pub
13:43:41 robotadam | jek and dael are still working on confirming
location, I believe. Not lots of time left, though.
13:43:43  Wraithan | jmelesky: aye, heard the same
13:43:55       jek | social meeting, at a pub, probably the lab
13:50:52 robotadam | SE lucky lab
13:50:59 robotadam | hawthorne & 9th?
13:51:14 robotadam | It has a side room you can rent to be out of the main area.

--Chris McDonald (Wraithan)

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 5:54 AM, Matt Youell<matt at youell.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Is there a meeting this month? I asked @pdxpython on Twitter a few days back
> but no one is home and I see a meeting scheduled on Meetup.com but it says
> no location has been picked yet.  Did a location materialize or are we SOL
> this month?
> Thanks!
> --
> -/matt/-
> http://youell.com/matt
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