[portland] Meeting next week

Matt McCredie mccredie at gmail.com
Fri May 9 18:38:26 CEST 2008

I don't know if anybody has given a talk in one of the meetings I
didn't attend but I wouldn't mind hearing about SQLAlchemy, or
something similar.

I was also thinking of giving a talk on configuration files. I had
been discussing with co-workers how to use configuration files in
python, and it turned into a discussion on using python files as
configuration files, and we came up with some interesting constructs
to do that. I don't really have anything prepared yet though. I can
throw something together over the weekend though.


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Jeff Schwaber <freyley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Pythonistas,
> We have a meeting next Tuesday. Thoughts?
> Jeff
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