[portland] Need Help With a For Loop

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 22:38:35 CET 2008

Based on my exposure at the last Europython, there were issues
with Indigo, built to serve CERN, but a fish out of water in other
venues, hard to just mine using freehand SQL, which is what
some veterans feel good about, all GUIs aside.

Understood Django was being looked at, with Laura making the
good point that a website first and foremost needs to serve the
organizers, serving attenders a side effect, but also a net effect,
as organizer message traffic is pretty wide open (as with Pycon,
which I think has generated a lot of useful feedback).  We all
become organizers at least vicariously, though not the the
degree of a Barcamp (only been to two of those, one in alpha

POV supplied a perfectly competent wireless experience, in
addition to Reval Hotel's, in contrast to Pycon's (not faulting the
organizers, as 1K geeks is a lot more, plus all those XOs wanted
to chatter) -- had to wing it for my talk, but was adequately
prepared for this contingency (copies in circulation, not on
YouTube yet I don't think).

The current EuroPython venue is very sophisticated about conferences:

Good to have you aboard Jeff.  Are you in Portland too then?

We should meet someday, have coffee or whatever,


On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Jeff Rush <jeff at taupro.com> wrote:
> kirby urner wrote:
>  >>    Considering what's happening in the EU, perhaps the logo should be two
>  >>  pythons eating each other.
>  >
> > Why, what's happening in the EU?
>  I would like to know this as well.  The EuroPython conference appears to be
>  struggling and Guido has asked if there is anything those with con experience
>  or the PSF can do to assist.  But I've not been able to figure out what the
>  challenges for EuroPython are and how it differs from PyCon USA.
>  -Jeff
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