[portland] PyCon 2008: Chicago, March

jason kirtland jek at discorporate.us
Wed Jan 30 00:23:20 CET 2008

Registration recently opened for PyCon 2008.  This year's conference is 
in Chicago and has a great line-up of sessions running from March 14-16:


...including "Your Pythonic Math Class of the Future" by fellow group 
member Kirby Urner.

There is also a tutorial day on March 13th with some great tutorials:


And four days of development sprints running from March 17-20, including 
work on Python itself, Django, TurboGears, Pylons, Jython, Trac...


And lots more...


Early-bird registration rates ($400 corporate, $220 hobbyist, $125 
student) are available through February 20.  Rooms in the conference 
hotel are $99/night, sharing encouraged.  There is also financial aid 
available through the Python Software Foundation.

If you're thinking of going and are interested in sharing a room to 
reduce costs, post to the list or privately to me if you prefer and I'll 
try to act as local matchmaker.  I'm looking for roomies, myself.

Airfare to Chicago was pretty still pretty reasonable last I looked, and 
so is Amtrak... 48-hour train hackfest, anyone? :)


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