[portland] Introduction

David Brewer david.brewer at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 02:00:43 CEST 2008

Hello, Portland Pythonistas.  I just joined this list and thought I'd
take a moment to introduce myself.

I'm a local programmer working for a company called Second Story here
in town which does a variety of interactive media, frequently but not
only for museums and other cultural institutions.  My personal area of
specialty has been web development, and although recently I've mostly
worked with PHP, the kind of work we do has necessarily made me into a
multi-linguist -- which fortunately for me is not only my job but also
a hobby.  :-)

I've been looking for a good excuse to learn Python and recently found
one in the form of the Clutter Toolkit, a great hardware-accelerated
GUI library (http://clutter-project.org/).  I've been having a ball
over the past couple of weeks teaching myself Python in the context of
building fun 3D interfaces.  Aside from just playing, there's some
possibility that Clutter and Python may be eventually be a practical
platform for us to implement some of the kinds of interactive table or
kiosk applications that we typically build.

So, I'm still a Python newbie, but rapidly gaining an appreciation for
the language.  I was curious if there was anyone else on this list who
was playing with Clutter or other rich media interface libraries in


David Brewer
Lead Systems Developer
Second Story Interactive Studios

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