[portland] Meeting Wrapup

Jeff Schwaber freyley at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 18:59:58 CEST 2007

The next meeting is November 13th.

With two confirmed lightning talks so far, we are well on our way to
being scheduled. Thanks Rich and Kirby.


Kirby: that was definitely a semantic problem with English where I
used someone not as its meaning but as a variable reference. I had
said, earlier, that someone should do a lightning talk, and I was
saying 'someone', as referenced earlier, could be me. The quotes work,
but they're inelegant...=)

On 10/11/07, kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Got a topic you want to talk about in the hour after lightning talks?
> > Be the third lightning talk and start off the discussion. Let me know,
> > or send a topic to the list. There's a list of topics people asked
> > about on our wiki at
> > http://wiki.python.org/moin/PortlandPythonUserGroup
> I'd like to do my Centralia BarCamp talk, mentioned earlier, either
> as a lightning talk (only) or as something to discuss more under
> the general heading of open source in health care.
> Apologies to Tom for having his name wrong for over 24 hours in
> my own write-up of this event.
> Hoping to attend next month, plus invite visitors from 360compass
> again (an affiliate agile and possible sponsor someday).
> > * someone can be me if you'd like. I was really hoping Kirby would try
> > this out, though. =)
> You want me to try being you?  Sounds infeasible, but I could always
> fake it. ;-D
> Kirby

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