[portland] Meeting, Tomorrow! (Tues, Oct 9th, 7pm, CubeSpace)

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 17:56:10 CEST 2007

> Comments, questions, disagreements?
> Jeff

Sounds like fun Jeff, looking forward to the experiment and subsequent

Were we in last month's format, I'd queue to present my Centralia
BarCamp slides, appended to the end of this blog post:


(but that can wait for another time -- it deals with perennial themes).

I expect to sit at the Beginning Pythoneers table, as most of my
paying Python gigs these days have to do with recruiting gnubees,
especially but not limited to, experienced coders from other language


> [1] By 5, I mean, of course, quite a few more than five. Look at the
> wiki to see them all. Since there wasn't a lot of talk over the month
> about what people preferred, I picked 5 at random. You are, as always,
> welcome to pick your own as more exciting and follow the rest of the
> format...Return to the text for more information.
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