[portland] OSCON 2007 guest pass availability

Kevin Altis altis at semi-retired.com
Mon Jul 23 04:01:07 CEST 2007

I wanted to let everyone know that O'Reilly was kind enough to give  
me a guest pass for use by one person at a time from the Python user  
group. In addition, I was able to confirm late this afternoon that  
the pass can also be used for the tutorial sessions on Monday and  
Tuesday. Chris Henderson will be using the pass tomorrow so he can  
attend the Django Master Class.


At the last meeting, I think Jeff was the only other person besides  
Chris that spoke up about attending OSCON that hadn't already  
registered, but if anyone else is interested in attending the Tuesday  
tutorials or keynotes and sessions on Wednesday - Friday, please  
contact me ASAP at my email address altis at semi-retired.com, so that  
we can coordinate who has the pass during the week and where to meet  
to exchange it.



Please browse the schedules above and let me know which items you're  
most interested in if you want to make use of the pass so I can work  
out any conflicts that might arise.


Kevin Altis
altis at semi-retired.com

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