[portland] Planning for the August Meeting

Mark Gross markgross at thegnar.org
Wed Aug 1 06:24:31 CEST 2007

On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 03:47:52PM -0700, jason kirtland wrote:
> The Meetup group just sent out a reminder that our next meeting is 
> 2 weeks away and the agenda is still TBD.  So... what should we do?
> If no one has a big presentation topic in mind for August, I'll 
> suggest another round of casual short talks / group discussions. 
> Maybe folks who attended OSCON could do a little recap?  I'd love 
> to hear a report from the Python 3000 and the multi-core sessions, 
> and a demo of Python powering the Tux Droid would be great.

The multi-core python wasn't about python so much as it was about the
cell in a PS-3.  perhaps I was tiered and missed something, but you can
check what materials that have been posted so far:

The Python 3000 presentation by Guido was kind of dull.  It was about
how to get ready for the switch over and how you should port to 2.6
(when its out) and always use the auto-port tool to make the code 3.0
ready.  If it doesn't work then the tool needs to be fixed.

Nothing stuck with me as "boy thats going to be cool".  The talk was
after the mutli-core python and I was having troubles keeping my head
up so I must have missed something.  looking at the slides posted there
is a number of things that are interesting coming, half of which I don't
understand, the half I did get left me underwhelmed.


> I can also share my experimental 5 minute "new features in Python 
> 2.5 / beginning Python" talk that I kept in reserve at the July 
> meeting.  It's an attempt to appeal to both those just starting out 
> and advanced users.  Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't.
> Also, a new pub/bar/restaurant? called "The Morrison Hotel" 
> recently opened up around the corner from CubeSpace.  I'm planning 
> on scouting it out for suitability for social meetings and general 
> adjournment.  If anyone wants to join me for a little 
> between-meeting Pythonic outing just let me know.
> Cheers,
> Jason
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