[Persistence-sig] "Straw Man" transaction API

Sebastien Bigaret Sebastien.Bigaret@inqual.com
15 Jul 2002 15:06:16 +0200

Ok, now for some comments (with no flamethrowers lighted up, but maybe I'll
trigger some ;)

About the Transaction API:

  The API seems globally OK to me I have. I'd like to make the following

  - about info/setInfo(): maybe we need a setInfo() different from an
    updateInfo() or addToInfo(). I also suspect that a 'ResourceManager'
    writing info. to other participants might use such a metadictionary to
    pass additional information for use in the current transaction (warning:
    name collision); if this is *not* the place for that, it should perhaps be
    stated in doc.

  - registration of Participants:

      We might need a unique identifier for a given participant ; e.g., we
      might wish that only one participant for a given 'postgresql' DB
      connection is registered (in that case, the id. could be the DB backend
      name+the connectionDictionary).

      Obviously participants could still register without an id.

  - revert(): I expected an 'undo()' ; 'revert' sounds like 'abort' to me, but
    this can just be a language problem --the documentation made it clear.

  - about commit(): I see this basically like a vote_commit() on each
    participants, followed by a commit_txn()

    I have the feeling that what will be done during the commit() phase should
    be explicitly stated, along with the goals we are going after. Here is a
    little example: suppose a transaction has to commit changes against two
    different DB storages, DB1 which supports multi-phase commit, DB2 which
    does not.

    Then they get vote_commit(): DB1 will be able to answer OK or KO, but DB2
    will not because it is not capable of saying whether a transaction will
    successfully succeed, hence: it answers 'OK' to the 'vote_commit' message.

    Now the participants gets the commit_txn() ; since we do not assume any
    particular ordering for paricipants, suppose that DB1 gets it first. DB1
    commits the changes, then DB2 attempts to commit its changes but fails:
    what can we do? We can stop committing and start sending 'abort_txn' to
    all participants, however, DB1 is likely to be unable to revert the
    already committed changes --and this will definitely be the case if both
    DB1 and DB2 do not support nested transactions).
    My opinion here is that we shouldn't try to handle multi-backends commits
    as a whole -- some backends simply makes it almost impossible. But: this
    should be clearly stated.
  - last on this: it may be useful for observers to get events such as
    transaction_did_commit() (committing is a Transaction's message for which
    we cannot guarantee it will come to its normal end, for the reasons
    written above) ; I'm thinking here of some DB-caches that would be
    participants/observers for the Transaction machinery, that would take the
    opportunity to update their caches, etc.

About the Participant API:

  - I have some problems about the begin/end_savepoint(): again this might be
    a language problem, but I would prefer something like
    'prepareToSavepoint()' and 'markSavepoint()'

  - same for begin_commit()

  - vote_for_commit: as far as I understand participants using other
    participants can simply ignore it, but should not raise (exception to be
    named, BTW). To my understanding, a raise here is understood as a veto.
    Is that it?

Last: do we need to specify a TransactionManager or TransactionFactory API?

Some ideas about what could be done there: (hmm, this could be made class
method as well)

  - registering participants' factories, so that Transactions can be
    initialized with a default set of participants, since applications often
    use the same configuration for their Transactions. Something like:

      def buildDefaultTransaction(self)

  - ???

  It seems to me that the points stressed in the sig-charter are taken into
account here --except for the 'Effective Memory Usage' which, by the way,
cannot be addressed at the transaction level --and I do not really see how
this particular point can be made anything else but a ``compulsory
recommendation'' ?!

-- Sebastien.