[Patches] We may have wasted the money that we bought all this Tamiflu for.

Spence jtkx at russell96.karoo.co.uk
Thu Jun 28 13:56:12 CEST 2007

SREA Continues To Rocket, UP Another 29% By Close!

Score One Inc. (SREA)
$0.40 UP 29%

The watchers are right, SREA keeps climbing. The Market Makers are
raking it in. Act fast and you can too. Look at the numbers and get on
SREA first thing Thursday!

He also founded an environmentally-friendly online retailer called
BetterLifeGoods. When it is injected properly, it strengthens the lower
esophagus, helping prevent stomach acid from entering it and causing

We need to ban these drugs; we need to outlaw them.

Last month, the FDA's credibility plunged with a decision to stall
over-the-counter sale of the morning-after pill. And the person footing
the bill is, of course, Joe Public.
com, and books and interviews are published at www.

Somebody's got to foot the bill.
Keep on buying those personal care products, coating your hair in
cancer-causing ingredients, coloring your hair with cancer-causing

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