[Patches] RE:[1] 1mprove your-sperm morphology and quality...

pelland pelland at cmspan.net
Fri Oct 1 23:44:39 CEST 2004

My husband and i have been trying to conceive for a year and a half now. He has gone twice cor semen analysis. Which is expensive. And they have checked me. I was placed on progesterone. But i think the main problem is my husband. They say morphology is at 69%. but everything else is fine. So that is the only thing that is keeping us from getting pregnant. I want to go on clomid, but dont think that will work with him. Is there something we can do before it gets to expensive. I guess our next step is a urologist. But i dont know what he can do. Do you have any suggestions? 
                                    thank you 
                                          tammy pelland
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