[Patches] [Patch #103297] __all__ values for a handful of modules

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Sat, 20 Jan 2001 11:50:29 -0800

Patch #103297 has been updated. 

Project: python
Category: library
Status: Open
Submitted by: montanaro
Assigned to : montanaro
Summary: __all__ values for a handful of modules


Date: 2001-Jan-20 11:50
By: montanaro

whoops...  (maybe SF should warn about this mistake?)

okay, here it is for real.  Includes a test___all__.py script and output as
well.  Please have a look at the test
script and see if it seems suitable.

In the meantime, I will check these things in and close the patch.


Date: 2001-Jan-20 11:35
By: gvanrossum

Skip, I think your upload failed.  Make sure that you click the "Upload
Revised Patch" checkbox as well as specifying a file...

(You can also just check this in, it all seems pretty harmless to me.)

Date: 2001-Jan-20 11:08
By: montanaro

Latest version - this takes me through dis.py, and throws in
robotparser.py for good measure.


Date: 2001-Jan-19 17:49
By: tim_one

I had wondered out loud whether test functions would get included in the
context of the __exports__ patch, which was an unbreachable wall:  I didn't
want to be left with *no* way to execute a module's test function from
within a different module.  I agree that test functions should not be
included in the context of __all__, though -- I can get at them whether or
not they're in __all__, and they're not what an "import *" abuser wants to
see anyway.

Date: 2001-Jan-19 14:43
By: gvanrossum

So where's the next update?

I would approve of adding this to the alpha1 release.


Date: 2001-Jan-18 18:32
By: gvanrossum

Nice, Skip!

I wonder if the "test" functions should really be included in __all__?

Especially StringIO's test isn't generally needed.  I'd be happy if I had
to import it explicitly using "from StringIO import test" if I really
wanted it.  Ditto for the HTTP server classes.


Date: 2001-Jan-18 19:09
By: montanaro

Yeah, I wondered about including "test".  I included it only
because I thought I remembered someone mentioning that in a
previous thread.  I'll remove "test" from __all__ in my
next update.

Assuming everything else is okay, I will keep adding to the
number of modified modules.


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