[Patches] [Patch #101821] xmldomminidom.tex: Documentation for minidom

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 12:31:37 -0700

Patch #101821 has been updated. 

Category: documentation
Status: Rejected
Summary: xmldomminidom.tex: Documentation for minidom


Date: 2000-Oct-24 12:31
By: fdrake

Rejected; we can't include a huge chunk of IDL in the documentation both because it breaks formatting of the typeset version and it just doesn't seem appropriate (the XML-SIG has already ascertained that the IDL is screwed up and largely ignored).

Paul Prescod integrated some of the textual content into the Doc/lib/xmldom.tex section recently checked in, so this was not a wasted effort.

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