[Patches] [Patch #100899] a smaller unicode name database

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 07:44:02 -0700

Patch #100899 has been updated. 

Category: None
Status: Open
Summary: a smaller unicode name database


Date: 2000-Jul-15 15:43
By: effbot

duh.  it's too large for sourceforge.  if you want
to play with it, get it from:



Date: 2000-Aug-03 11:59
By: lemburg

How is the work on this patch coming along ? Will it be ready for 2.0 ?

Date: 2000-Aug-15 10:42
By: tim_one

/F or MAL, what's going on with this?  MAL, did you look at the patch?  /F, do you feel it's done?

Date: 2000-Aug-23 11:39
By: tim_one

Assigned back to /F because he agrees the ball bounced back into his court:

[/F, in Python-Dev mail]
mal has reviewed the patch, and is waiting for
an update from me.

Date: 2000-Aug-24 04:37
By: lemburg

I'd rather see this patch postponed. 

Reason: We're not in a hury here -- better get this
done right than to quickly throw together a set of patches
without some more extensive testing.

Comment for future reference:
Note that I would also like to unify the different Unicode databases
(ctype DBs, Unicode DB and Unicode name DB) into one single
unicodedb access module which will be written in Python. The
sibling C modules can then be loaded dynamically and in a lazy
fashion. This will result in an implementation which should be
much easier to maintain than the current (2.0) setup.


Date: 2000-Aug-28 11:55
By: effbot

postponed, for now.  I'm still working on the full unidb package, and will reopen this patch again when I've fixed the other things that needs to be fixed before 2.0b1.

Date: 2000-Sep-23 21:10
By: tim_one

Changed status to Postponed, to match the last thing that was said about it (a month ago).

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