[Patches] [Patch #101844] bdist_wininst creates corrupt installations

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Mon, 9 Oct 2000 11:13:49 -0700

Patch #101844 has been updated. 

Category: distutils
Status: Open
Summary: bdist_wininst creates corrupt installations


Date: 2000-Oct-09 11:13
By: theller

[Martin von Loewis]
> I've created a PyXML distribution with recent distutils (0.93 and
> 1.0). When installing these distributions, the installer creates empty
> files only, see 
> http://download.sourceforge.net/pyxml/PyXML-0.6.0.win32.exe
> for an example.
> I've tracked this down to usage of the zipfile module. If it does not
> find an external zip program (which I did not have), it then tries to
> use the zipfile module. Somehow, the installation program later cannot
> process the files created with that module.
> The problem is probably in the installer, since Winzip 7 is capable of
> reading the package, and extracts the files properly.
> I have solved the problem by installing infozip on my
> machine. However, I'd appreciate if somebody could look into the
> problem and let me know what the cause is. If you cannot reproduce the
> problem, please let me know as well.
The problem was that the windows installer was using zipfile datastructures
which are not always set.
The following patch fixes this problem.
Since currently I cannot check in these changes, I'm posting them here
so they do not get lost.
Note that wininst.exe must be recompiled and bdist_wininst.py
must be regenerated to complete the fix.


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