[Patches] [Patch #102477] Allow xml.dom.pulldom to use alternate DOM implementations

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Mon, 27 Nov 2000 13:38:33 -0800

Patch #102477 has been updated. 

Project: python
Category: XML
Status: Open
Summary: Allow xml.dom.pulldom to use alternate DOM implementations


Date: 2000-Nov-22 13:39
By: fdrake

This modifies PullDOM.__init__() to accept a Document object as a parameter, and changes PullDOM.startDocument() to use that object or create a one using minidom if necessary.  This allows all existing client code to continue to work unchanged, while supporting use of alternate DOM implementations.

Date: 2000-Nov-22 22:24
By: fdrake

Revised patch based on Greg Stein's note that the original would not create a new Document instance for each call to startDocument(); this version takes a document factory instead of a document object, and creates a new document with each call to startDocument().


Date: 2000-Nov-27 13:38
By: gvanrossum

Fred, please pick someone to review this and assign it to them.

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