[Patches] crypt.salt()

Matt Wimer matt@cgibuilder.com
Tue, 16 May 2000 01:17:08 -0600

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline

I'll make this short.  The crypt module requires a salt
value that the user currently has to gen.  I added 
crypt.salt() function that does this for them.  It
currently isn't much but its setup to scale to the
current system.

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PATCH attached.

--matt wimer

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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="crypt-salt.patch"

*** Python-1.6a2/Modules/cryptmodule.c	Tue Feb  1 13:12:39 2000
--- Python-1.6a2-patched/Modules/cryptmodule.c	Tue May 16 01:12:51 2000
*** 9,14 ****
--- 9,90 ----
  /* Module crypt */
+ /* SALTING the crypt() is system dependant. Let them use crypt.salt()
+  * to do the salting. */
+ /* README: 
+  * Salts can look like [suffix]<common-salt>.  I define the
+  * suffix to take OSOFFSET amount of space. And the rest 
+  * of the salt to be the salt size. 
+  *
+  * OpenBSD has a suffix of $12$<chars> in its blowfish
+  * crypt(3).  This current code will be able to scale up
+  * to meat these chalanges as people become more interested
+  * in python for thier platform.
+  */
+ #define OSOFFSET	(0)	/* No offset define yet. */
+ #define SALTSIZE	(2)	/* Pretend 2 is good enough. */
+ /* The salt chars possible. Broken up so you can see they are corret. */
+ static char salter[] = 
+ 	"0123456789"
+ 	"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ 	"./";				/* These are possible as well. */
+ /* Each system has its own salter type for specifing
+  * long crypted passwds. We'll just define that crypt.salt()
+  * generated the standard two letter salt if we can't guess
+  * the correct salter to use. 
+  */
+ static PyObject * crypt_salt(self, args)
+ 	PyObject *self, *args;
+ {
+ 	char salt [OSOFFSET + SALTSIZE]; 	/* Size is system dependant. */
+ 	int cur;			/* The current offset into  salter[]. */
+ 	int i;					/* Iterate don the SALTSIZE. */
+ 	extern int rand(void);			/* Bad rand num generator. */
+ 	extern void srand(unsigned int seed);	/* Seeder for rand(3). */
+ 	extern time_t time(time_t *t);		/* Helper for the seed. */
+ 	/* Not very good seed, but should be better than most people,
+ 	 * well create. 'Just another sign of the times.' */
+ 	srand (  time(NULL)  );
+ 	/* This is where the os dependant salt code should go.  
+ 	 * But it's not yet impelented... */
+ 	for (i = 0; i < SALTSIZE; i++) {
+ 		/* Make sure that the char we pick falls into the array
+ 		 * bounds of salter[]. */
+ 		cur = rand () % sizeof (salter);
+ 		/* Fill in the salt with the current chosen char. */
+ 		salt[OSOFFSET + i] = salter[cur];
+ 	}
+ 	/* There is no way to error that i can see. */
+ 	return PyString_FromString (salt);
+ }
+ static char crypt_salt__doc__[] = "\
+ salt() -> string\n\
+ word will be the system default salt value that should be passed\n\
+ to crypt() so that you will get the best encryped password for\n\
+ your system.  This offloads the salt generation into one easily\n\
+ maintained function.";
+ /* Call the sys crypt to do the cript, it should accept standard
+  * 2 char salts as well as os depandant salts as create by 
+  * crypt.salt(). */
  static PyObject *crypt_crypt(self, args)
  	PyObject *self, *args;
*** 33,38 ****
--- 109,115 ----
  static PyMethodDef crypt_methods[] = {
  	{"crypt",	crypt_crypt, 0, crypt_crypt__doc__},
+ 	{"salt",	crypt_salt, 0, crypt_salt__doc__},
  	{NULL,		NULL}		/* sentinel */
