[Patches] GC infrastructure patch 1 (tp_recurse, tp_clear)

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@beopen.com
Thu, 22 Jun 2000 08:29:39 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "VM" == Vladimir Marangozov <Vladimir.Marangozov@inrialpes.fr> writes:

  VM> Jeremy Hylton wrote:
  >>  If there are no objections, I'll make the changes and check in
  >> patch1.

  VM> No objections for patch1 from me. Let's go for it.

The patch is ready to go, with a few changes to make error reporting
consistent (both internally and with the rest of the Python API).  I
would have checked it in yesterday, but my ISP is having some kind of
routing trouble and I can't reach the Python CVS server at
Sourceforge.  Sheesh!  You'll know when the problem is fixed :-).
