[Patches] [Patch #102208] Allow jython to use StringIO.py without an errno module.

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 15:11:00 -0800

Patch #102208 has been updated. 

Project: python
Category: library
Status: Closed
Submitted by: bckfnn
Assigned to : bwarsaw
Summary: Allow jython to use StringIO.py without an errno module.


Date: 2000-Dec-12 15:11
By: bwarsaw

Applied, StringIO.py 1.13

Date: 2000-Nov-22 03:48
By: moshez

This seems very reasonable -- it actually eliminates a dependancy which is problematic anyway -- it makes StringIO.py much more platform independant. +1!

Date: 2000-Nov-27 14:47
By: gvanrossum

Please check it in or if you don't have time assign to me.

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