[Patches] [Patch #100902] range-literals, not relative to listcomprehensions

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Sun, 27 Aug 2000 14:04:38 -0700

Patch #100902 has been updated. 

Category: core (C code)
Status: Open
Summary: range-literals, not relative to listcomprehensions


Date: 2000-Jul-15 16:31
By: twouters

A new version of the patch that adds range-literals ([0:20], [:33:2], etc), this time not relative to list-comprehensions. I marked the previous one 'Out of Date'. I'm still working on the PEP, but I think the patch is done ;-)


Date: 2000-Jul-18 08:25
By: twouters

Someone needs to check this patch out, and tell me whether Guido really meant 'check it in' by his 'Right!' in http://www.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2000-July/013234.html

Tim, you seem like the perfect person, especially now you're sharing half a room with Guido ;)


Date: 2000-Jul-22 15:04
By: tim_one

Mostly adding a comment to see whether SourceForge generates patches-list email.
From a quick scan, please update the patch so that new functions are already ANSIfied.  This also needs doc changes.


Date: 2000-Jul-23 06:23
By: twouters

New version of patch, ANSIfied and all. Documentation, uh, comes later. Promise ;)


Date: 2000-Aug-13 10:45
By: twouters

Up-to-date version, which thus is again relative to list comprehensions, since they are checked in :-) Working on documentation, will be added later.


Date: 2000-Aug-13 10:45
By: twouters

Up-to-date version, which thus is again relative to list comprehensions, since they are checked in :-) Working on documentation, will be added later.


Date: 2000-Aug-15 11:49
By: tim_one

Tim, get off your fat ass and review this!  Umm, OK.

Thomas, we need the doc changes Soon or I'll have to postpone this.  Guido already likes the idea, so there's nothing to stop this from getting accepted except a complete patch (and, ya, getting that fat-ass Tim to actually review it!).

Date: 2000-Aug-15 14:08
By: twouters

Here are the doc changes. Not much, I'm afraid, because I'm not sure where or how to insert them, assides from where I added them now (that being the reference manual.) I can write a bit of text for the tutorial, if that's desired, but I'll need some hints as to where, how long, in what style, and how this 'TeX' thing works.


Date: 2000-Aug-15 14:32
By: tim_one

Great!  Please work directly with Fred Drake on doc issues.  Keep your docs simple plain ASCII and he's a whiz at adding the TeX bit later.  And when he's happy with the docs, everyone is.

Date: 2000-Aug-22 09:13
By: twouters

New version, one that actually includes the minimal docs I wrote :-) Also up to date wrt. the latest Grammar changes and such.


Date: 2000-Aug-27 12:28
By: tim_one

Thomas, could you please update this patch?  Running patch on Windows is always an adventure, so I had Guido check that this fails for him too on import.c (probably just the magic number) and ref5.tex.  Guido also reports that his patch rejected the graminit.h change, but mine didn't (I'm guessing he modified his graminit.h locally, though; mine is straight from CVS).  Thanks!

Date: 2000-Aug-27 14:04
By: twouters

Alright, here's an updated version. I also included graminit.h and .c, because I don't know if you can run pgen, and if you complain about graminit.h not patching, I guess you can't ;-)

(the fact that graminit.h was included in the previous patch was an honest mistake. But if you intend to read this patch: there's nothing interesting below graminit.c, which is about 900 lines.)


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