[Patches] Re: [Patch #101272] Allow bsddbmodule.c to compile with libdb 2.x w/o editing

Eric S. Raymond esr@thyrsus.com
Wed, 23 Aug 2000 22:45:36 -0400

noreply@sourceforge.net <noreply@sourceforge.net>:
> Comment:
> Eric's been doing lots w/ libdb stuff lately.  I'll see if
> he want's to check this patch out... ;-)

Actually I've done almost nothing -- people like you and amk keep getting 
in there ahead of me.
		<a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a>

Freedom, morality, and the human dignity of the individual consists
precisely in this; that he does good not because he is forced to do
so, but because he freely conceives it, wants it, and loves it.
	-- Mikhail Bakunin