[Pandas-dev] Problem while deleting blank spaces of a column of a DataFrame

Reto reto at labrat.space
Tue Apr 5 16:54:55 EDT 2022

On Tue, Apr 05, 2022 at 03:36:45PM -0400, Raul Escobar wrote:
> The .replace() method doesn't work during the process of replacing multiple
> blank spaces of a column while I'm creating an .xlsx file from a DataFrame
> in Pandas. I also tried .str.strip(), it deletes the blank spaces but it
> also deletes all the cells of the column. I also used regex=True into the
> .replace() method but it still doesn't work. Here's the code I'm using:
> import pandas as pd
> from openpyxl import Workbook
> book = Workbook()
> operacional_1100 = book.active
> maestro = pd.read_excel("2021 Gastos Ortodontik.xlsx", sheet_name="MAESTRO
> TR")
> df_ordenar = maestro.iloc[:, [0,1,2,3,4]]

This selects multiple columns
> df_ordenar2 = df_ordenar['Monto'].replace(' ', '')

This only selects the "Monto" column and discards the rest.
df_ordenar2 is a pd.Series with the Monto column having replaced spaces
with nothing.

> escrito = pd.ExcelWriter('prueba.xlsx')
> df_ordenar2.to_excel(escrito)
> escrito.save()

This is not needed, simply call to_excel with the filename

In [15]: import pandas as pd

In [16]: ser = pd.Series(['f.o  ', 'fuz', '  blah  '])

In [17]: replaced = ser.str.replace(' ', '')

In [18]: replaced
0     f.o
1     fuz
2    blah
dtype: object

In [20]: ser
0       f.o
1         fuz
2      blah
dtype: object

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