[Pandas-dev] resampling limitations after release 1.0.5

Jeff Reback jeffreback at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 22:13:21 EDT 2021

pls open an issue on the pandas tracker 

> On Nov 4, 2021, at 8:36 PM, McIntosh, Jonathan <jmcintosh at rti.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to report an issue that may or may not already be known, but that has been a bug that has prevented our project from progressing to more recent releases of pandas.  We are working with datasets that extend out past the maximum timestamp date of 2262-04-11, so we generally use period ranges rather than datetime ranges.  However, starting with release 1.1.0, the resample functionality no longer works with period ranges that extend past 2262-04-11.  The screenshots below show an example of this phenomenon.  Would it be possible to restore the resampling functionality for period ranges that extend past 2262-04-11 in future releases?
> Example Code Snippet:
> import pandas as ps
> from datetime import datetime
> print(ps.__version__)
> rng = ps.period_range(datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime(2300, 1, 1, 0, 0), freq="1D")
> df = ps.DataFrame(index = rng, data = [i+1 for i in range(0,len(rng))])
> resample_df = df.resample("6H").interpolate()
> print(resample_df.head(10))
> Result when running with pandas==1.0.5:
> <image004.png>
> Result when running with pandas==1.1.1:
> <image003.png>
> Thanks,
> Jonathan McIntosh
> Water Resources Engineer
> 970.498.1831 | jmcintosh at rti.org
> 2950 East Harmony Road, Suite 390 | Fort Collins, CO 80528
> <image001.jpg>
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