[Pandas-dev] FW: [EXTERNAL] Re: pandas or new project

David Rashty david.rashty at pandibay.com
Tue Nov 12 17:17:01 EST 2019

Have you guys seen these?

I would love to have TypedDataFrame implemented in pandas and then have my
IDE introspect type errors.  I have a large set of business processes like
def gen_y(df: pd.DataFrame[x1, x2, x3, x4]) ->  pd.DataFrame[x1, x2, x3,
x4, y]:
   return df

Food for thought...


On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 9:31 PM David M Rashty <David.Rashty at flagstar.com>

> *From:* Wes McKinney [mailto:wesmckinn at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 13, 2018 9:56 PM
> *To:* Tom Augspurger <tom.augspurger88 at gmail.com>
> *Cc:* David M Rashty <David.Rashty at flagstar.com>; pandas-dev at python.org
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: [Pandas-dev] pandas or new project
> *Flagstar Security Warning:* External Email. Please make sure you trust
> this source before clicking links or opening attachments.
> hi David,
> There's nothing really wrong with injecting a bunch of custom methods into
> the DataFrame.* namespace. If you wanted, you could release your package as
> like
> import pandas_stata
> and then the new methods would be available. This is pretty common in
> large corporate environments that use pandas AFAICT. You can also propose
> your changes in pull requests to pandas.
> - Wes
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 9:41 PM Tom Augspurger <tom.augspurger88 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> With respect to your `sdrop` and `skeep`,  that's the goal of
> DataFrame.filter, though the name isn't the best so it'll
> maybe be deprecated in favor of something better.
> The rest sound interesting, but likely out of scope for pandas. If you
> build an open source library then we'd be
> happy to include in pandas' ecosystem page:
> http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/ecosystem.html
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__pandas.pydata.org_pandas-2Ddocs_stable_ecosystem.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=6071WI5hme3qubAgsPInwSFFJUptGl1Ret_NIv4f0FM&r=IInR9ts5zJa2y9TCv1xkCBiNMNvWYuB88s6FL4QdKPQ&m=Yh52B0HOnjdaEtHlGjuSmivYPHIGG_RYsuh0b-93ELY&s=381O1pJzOg_Mvrmgl5CKUUTR9CSFh1VXi5zX4w33Kbc&e=>
> Tom
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 7:58 PM David M Rashty <David.Rashty at flagstar.com>
> wrote:
> Dear pandas team,
> I am a long time Stata user and I started using pandas about a year ago in
> order to build web applications using an in memory dataframe structure.  As
> a business user, I’ve found Stata to have a key advantage over pandas that
> many others have also noted: much faster development time.  Examples in
> Stata:
> drop myvar*       // drops all columns starting with myvar
> keep myvar*       // drops all columns except those starting with myvar
> reg z y x               // runs the regression z = a+bx+cy + error
> In order to use pandas in a Stata-like fashion, I’ve had to monkey patch
> large parts of the library e.g.,
> df = df.sdrop(‘myvar*’)     # same as above
> df = df.skeep(‘myvar*’)     # same as above
> df = df.sreg(‘z y x’)              # same as above
> df = df.squery(‘a>80 & b.str.contains(“hello”) & c.isin([1,2,3])’)   #
> df.query doesn’t support str.contains and isin to my knowledge
> I put an “s” in front of my methods to mean either “stata” or “sugar”.
> Additionally, I’ve built a system to:
> a)      Automatically load new DataFrame methods into memory (no
> additional imports required)
> b)      A caching system to make loading data blazing fast along with a
> much tighter syntax e.g., pd.read_stata(‘mydata.dta’) (6 secs load time) vs
> use.mydata (0.001 secs load time after the first read from file)
> c)      A system of column “labels” and formats to prettify various
> reports e.g., df.sscatter(‘rate score’) produces a scatter plot with labels
> “Interest Rate, %” and “Credit Score”, respectively.
> d)      A reactive web app (using Flask/Redis) to quickly view the full
> DataFrame content in a browser:
> Basically, I’ve tried to eliminate any obvious advantages Stata has over
> pandas.
> I’m potentially interested in developing this project into something
> bigger.   Would you like me to share my work in the context of pandas or
> should it be a completely separate project with a different scope?
> Thanks,
> David Rashty | Flagstar Bank | Whole Loan Trading | 248-312-6692 |
> david.rashty at flagstar.com
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