[Pandas-dev] Mailing list for Python data analytics ecosystem developers?

Roman Yurchak rth.yurchak at pm.me
Fri Jan 4 14:36:40 EST 2019

Also using this list currently more or less requires a Google Account.

This may be problematic for people either unable to do so (e.g. located 
in China) or unwilling to use GMail / Google associated email address 
for other reasons.

As much as I find less convenient to search mailing lists @python.org, 
they don't have such restrictions.


On 04/01/2019 19:49, Andy Ray Terrel wrote:> Thanks for the heads up. If 
this isn't a good solution I can set up
 > another system.
 > On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 11:33 AM Irv Lustig <irv at princeton.com
 > <mailto:irv at princeton.com>> wrote:
 >     I subscribed, but I don't think you will get a "one-click" method of
 >     doing so.  It's because of how Google does permissions.  In my case,
 >     since my company uses Google Enterprise to manage emails, when I
 >     signed up, I had to give permission to the Google group to see my
 >     "personal" information.

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