[Pandas-dev] Thoughts on adopting a 1-PR-1-commit policy?

Jan Schulz jasc at gmx.net
Sun Jan 17 15:53:33 EST 2016


On 17 January 2016 at 19:37, Wes McKinney <wesmckinn at gmail.com> wrote:
> These issues should be addressed during the code review process. It is
> worse, in my opinion, to have a mix of intermediate (possibly broken)
> and verified commits in master as opposed to atomic, verified commits.
> Additionally, lack of "atomicity" with patches has more issues:

I agree, but there is also `rebase -i` to make these commits be atomic...

E.g. https://github.com/pydata/pandas/pull/11582

The 4 commits work on their own and AFAIR each commit tested green.

So: IMO important changes (especially everything which changes
behaviour) should get one commit (or PR/Cherry pick as per your
proposal) per behaviour change and this behaviour change should be
explained in the commit message.

If the above PR would have been squashed, then 4 messages would be
appended to each other and one couldn't separate which description
would belong to which...


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